Joseph Palmer Historic Marker

The historic marker to Brigadier General Joseph Benjamin Palmer was dedicated on October 29, 1988 at 2 p.m. on 434 East Main Street. According to the marker’s dedication pamphlet, Palmer was educated at Union University in Murfreesboro. He was also mayor of Murfreesboro from 1855-59. When Palmer first became involved in the Civil War, he was a colonel in the 18th Tennessee infantry. He was active during the battles of Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Atlanta, Franklin, and Bentonville North Carolina. He was promoted to Brigadier General on November 15, 1864.

This THC marker was sponsored by the Martha Ready Morgan Chapter #2487, United Daughters of the Confederacy, the Murfreesboro Camp #33, Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Murfreesboro Chapter #91, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

